Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sharing an opinion

So I've finally embarked into the realm of blog-ville. For over a year my bride has been blogging the exploits and adventures of our family. However, I have been reluctant to dive into this arena, simply because I'm not sure I could produce content that would be appealing and insightful enough that it would be worthy to be read by others. I've kept a journal since high school, but the intimacy of a journal is a far cry from the vulnerability of publishing thoughts in a venue that might be read by others. I have several friends that have engaged in the area of podcasting. One component that we discuss related to podcasting is the amount of content necessary to produce a single show. One friend is developing podcasts on the history of taylor county texas, and he indicated that it takes him several weeks of research just to pull together notes for a single show. Then there is the recording and editing process that typically takes three times of the actual run time.

So I guess all of this is to say that one of my goals with this medium is to be intentional with my posts. My intent is not to simple post needless dribble about the frustration associated with fielding questions from family members related to things such as which broadband service to subscribe to, which web browser to offers the most fulfilling experience, or whether they should drop their local phone service for a Voice over IP service.

For those who have dropped by, I welcome you to check back again.

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