Saturday, March 17, 2007

Blink & You'll Miss It

In retrospect, this past week has been a blur. I have traveled almost 4,000 miles this past week, have spent at least over an hour in at least three states, and only spent a total of 12 hours in the office this week. Looking back it just feels like the week has breezed by.

My week started at 4:30am on Monday with an arrival at the local airport to begin a west coast journey to attend a meeting that was scheduled to begin at 9am Pacific time. Since I can't catch a direct flight, I'm forced to connect in Dallas. There's a whole story related to why I'd subject myself to an early flight out, but this opportunity allowed me to fly first class from Dallas to the west coast in the company of other high rollers like Michael Irvin. Unfortunately the early time tabled was conducive for me to catch a hour of sleep in my first class recliner, so I didn't really even get a chance to fully appreciate the luxuries afford me. Monday evening found me at a beach side seafood restaurant in Malibu dining on Chilean Sea bass. Tuesday found me again traversing the country returning home with a diversion to Oklahoma City because of weather in Dallas. For the hour and half we spent on the tarmac in OKC, I passed the time listening to the young lady next to me fretting about her ability to make it home to Alabama. So to assist I pulled out the treo and navigated the airlines website checking on flights in an effort to comfort this young lady. Upon arriving in Dallas, I watched two other flights scheduled after mine, leave for home. I did get home after 10pm that night exhausted and curious if my trip scheduled next month will allow me to get into Chicago in time to make the first pitch at Wrigley Field (I arrive in Chicago at 10:30am and the game starts at 1:20pm). Wednesday saw a normal day at the office, normal given the fact that I've been absent for the two previous days. Thursday I spent the morning in the office, and the afternoon driving to Dallas. This drive was prolonged by an hour because of construction that diverted (see a theme developing?) east bound traffic to the frontage road and a extreme backup of vehicles. Friday I spent the day in a workshop visiting with other educational technology professionals. Saturday I returned home, so that the rental car could be checked in by 1pm.

I'm not sure how people do this business travel. One of the guys I met out at the west coast on Monday, was also in attendance at the workshop in Dallas on Friday. I know for a fact that he was in Arizona on Tuesday, and who knows where else Wednesday and Thursday. At one point the wife and I decided that if I ever changed careers, I would be allowed to travel one week a month if the job required. After a week like this, I'm not convinced that I'd want to pursue opportunities that required this.

Thankfully I'm home for a couple of weeks before I jet off again. Of course the next time I fly the friendly skies, it's for a guys weekend away that includes the mentioned Cubs day game.

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