Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Living for tomorrow

This past Friday morning, I greeted a co-worker who returned the salutation with a desire for it to be Friday afternoon. I quickly pointed out that if it were Friday afternoon, we'd be that much closer to Monday morning. This morning, as I reached for the pot of coffee, this same co-worker greeted me with the information that we were five days away from the weekend.

One of the biggest struggles I face is procrastination. So often I subscribe to the philosophy, "why do today that which can be put off til tomorrow." Of course this outlook has the converse ability of bitting me in the butt. I've missed deadlines at the office, because I waited to the last minute to turn my attention to a pressing matter. I've had the humbling experience of utility services being cutoff, not because of lack of funding, but because I just hadn't gotten out to pay the bill. Nothing can be more frustrating to the misses than to come home with the water turned off or the power disconnected, knowing full well that the "disconnect" was solely my own.

I've yet again renewed my focus to be action oriented. I'm carrying a task list with me, with a full intention to close out my day with all the tasks crossed off. Rather than focusing on the bigger picture of a project or initiative, I'm in the mode to ask myself what action item needs to be done next. However, inevitably I face occasions when karma is against me. This evening, I went up to the office to complete two tasks on my list today. After spending ten minutes, I realized that I'd forgotten a piece of paper needed to complete one of the task. I was able to complete the other, but as I returned to my vehicle I found a parking ticket for leaving the van in a fire lane. So I'm 1 for 2 with a fine to boot. Faced with this knowledge, I'm ready to fill out tomorrow's list fully aware that tomorrow is another day. I guess the lesson to be learned, tomorrow is another opportunity to succeed, as long as we aren't neglecting the opportunities to be had today


Anne said...

Nathaniel has recently gotten the organization bug at work. He found some book that he was excited about, and has actually implemented several of the ideas discussed there. He seems to love it, and I am just glad he as now invested in a label-maker: a great friend indeed!

Anonymous said...

Well hello Mr. Brant! =) I always forget about your blog, until I notice it on your wifey's blogroll. I am also a procrastinator...it's something I think I will always be. I just like it better that way.

Ok...so I must ask. What exactly is an "Anna Hughes" purse? Just wondering. I hear you named your wife's purse after me...AND that you don't care for the purse very much..so what does that MEAN? I'm gonna need some answers on that one.